Elections give us an illusion of choice and of control. Unfortunately, each of our votes is taken as us surrendering our own innate power to a tiny group of 'politicians'.
Whilst society grows, the dead weight of big government is felt but not realised. As governments grow ever larger then the burden becomes far more noticeable. The government reacts to this and points out various groups until the population choose the scapegoat. Sometimes, we blame jews, black people, gay people, disabled people, immigrants, communists, Russians or witches. The government are as keen to believe this as we are.
Voting is not choice and it is not power. Voting is merely an outlet for our anger when economies falter or for the masses to waste vast energies arguing amongst themselves. Voting and politics is merely a distraction. What are we being distracted from?
1) the population have the power, not politicians
2) the people have the wealth, not the banks
Politics is the art of illusion in appearing to control the people within its borders.
Banking is the illusion of appearing to have control of the nations wealth.
A mindful being understands this. Which is why our schools do not produce mindful beings. This is not a conspiracy theory. Teachers, doctors, politicians, accountants and bankers do not understand the 'unintended' consequences of their own beliefs. Each group believes fully in their own value to society, without ever realising the assumptions this society is based upon.
Money, is said to be the root of all evil.
In our society we generally all think that bank credit is money. Banks can create as much bank credit as we the people are prepared to borrow. The cost of creating this bank credit is effectively zero. However, paying the loan back requires effort. This asymmetry is hidden in plain sight. We can vote for whoever we like but the bank credit scam is never questioned. Thus our votes are useless as they change nothing. Each time we vote we are giving away our power to a control system that very few people are consciously aware of.
Voting is about as relevant as asking a four year old what their favourite colour is.
This is not a natural or healthy state of affairs.
It will not end well.
Current distractions are brexit, a general election and North Korea. Just before these distractions we had a US election, brexit and Russia. Before that, China, a global financial upset and gay marriages. Other key distractions were Bin Laden, Gadaffi, Hussein, WWII and the great depression. The distractions are coming in thick and fast.
So, what is it we are being distracted from?
We are being distracted from becoming Mindful Beings.
A mindful being fully realises the value of bank credit.
A mindful being truly realises the folly of large government
A mindful being understands what power and money is.
A mindful being is powerful
A mindful being self determines what they truly value.
A mindful being recognises truth.
The only choice a member of society is free to exercise is the choice to practise mindfulness of self, awareness of others and become sensitised to the demands of society.
Should a few percent of us choose to become mindful beings, society simply dissolves and we all live in a civilisation which is based upon creating ever more Mindful Beings. (Also known as Heaven on Earth, are you ready for that yet?)
You take care
PS When you are on the road to Hell and you see a fork in the road, please take it!
A wise woman has been in touch saying that we should choose forks over knives. Very wise and concise. My more 'wordy' version below.
A frightened human will always choose a knife because of imagined fears.
A happy and contented human would choose the fork, just out of interest.
Mindful Beings always have choices, which is why they are so powerful.
My first book, free here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VXG8F3T today (May 1st)
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